12:52 Сценарий 14 февраля в лицей | |
В нашем лицее традиционно неделя английского языка проводится в канун Дня Святого Валентина. В течение недели проводятся конкурсы чтецов, олимпиады, конкурсы стенгазет, посвященных этому празднику. Завершается неделя подведением итогов и заключительным общешкольным концертом на английском языке.
Подготовка к празднику идёт в течение всего года. На уроках учащиеся разучивают стихотворения, песни, диалоги. Дети сами выбирают, что они будут представлять на празднике. Песни обычно исполняются под “живой” аккомпанемент, с инсценировкой. Стихи и диалоги инсценируются в придуманной детьми обстановке. Им также предлагается творчески подойти к текстам диалогов и стихов, придумать свои, используя речевые образцы изучаемых на уроках диалогов, а иногда и стихов. Таким образом, для зрителей, уже знакомых с текстами, остаётся сюрпризом, в какой ситуации представят им эти тексты. Песни же поёт почти весь зрительный зал. Непосредственно репетиции начинаются примерно за две недели до праздника. Предлагаем вашему вниманию сценарий одного из наших праздников. God: Listen to me, my dear children. I’ll tell you a new story about St. Valentine’s Day. Once upon a time there were two little Cupids. All day long they frisked in soft clouds and on green flowering lawns of Paradise. They were very happy. But once their arrow accidentally hit a man’s heart. It happened so unexpectedly and at first they were frightened, but then they were amused by the man’s reaction. Couplet 1 He: You don’t know how much I love you. Or else, darling, you shouldn’t be crying. She: Hush, darling! You should know – I love you! ’Cause my heart, dear, is trembling just for you! God: They laughed so much that didn’t notice that another arrow flew and hit the woman’s heart. The cupids stopped laughing and watched them. Couplet 2 He: You don’t know how much I love you. Or else, darling, you shouldn’t be crying. She: Hush, darling! You should know – I love you! ’Cause my heart, dear, is trembling just for you! God: These two were very happy and lived a long life. His name was Valentine and her name was also Valentine, so the Cupids called this day Valentine’s. I saw it. Since then shooting arrows at people’s hearts has become the Cupids’ profession. I told them to make all people happy, ordered them to meet every year on the 14th of February and shoot their arrows. Angel 1: Hi, Cupy! Angel 2: Cupe! How are you? Angel 1: I’m fine! And you? Angel 2: Today’s our day. What can be better? Angel 1: Let’s start! Angel 2: How impatient you are! Who shall we start with? Angel 1: Do you see that couple over there? Angel 2: Yes, I guess they don’t look happy enough. Angel 1: Get your arrow ready! Let’s do our work! Dialogue – It’s getting late and I really hate to say good-bye, but I have to go home. – Please don’t go! – Please don’t go! – It’s getting late. – Please don’t go! – I’ve got to go home. – Please don’t go! – Oh, no! Please don’t go! – I’ve got to go home… – Oh, no! Please don’t go! Angel 1: How perfect I did it. They’ll be no worse than our Valentines. Cupy, where are you? Angel 2: Cupe! What have I done! I’ve missed… Angel 1: Oh! My God! What will happen now? Dialogue – Hey, Maria! Here you are at last! Have you finished your exam? – Yes, I have. – Was it difficult? – Well? It was quite hard. – Did you pass? – I don’t know. He didn’t tell me. – What questions did he ask? – First, he asked me what my name was. – That was easy, wasn’t it? – Then he asked me where I came from, and he stared at me so ... – How? – So passionately. He also asked if I was married and if I had a boyfriend. – Go on! – Then he asked if I lived with my parents and then he was interested in my address. – Anything else? – Oh! I’m trying to remember. Oh, yes! He wondered, if I was free tonight. – Is that all? – Oh, there were a lot of questions. He asked me what my hobbies were. And then he asked me to go around the room… – What!? I’ll kill him! – Jim! Stop! Angel 1: You’ve spoiled everything. Angel 2: But, my heart is in the right place. Angel 1: Now it’s my turn. I can make every loser a winner. Study this, baby. Song “Losing My Favourite Game” The Cardigans Angel 2: Wow! You did it! But you are not always well-aimed. Don’t you remember how you missed last year? It was very funny! You’ve made a very faithful man a kind of Cazanova. Angel 1: It was a misfortune. But everything is OK now. Angel 2: I don’t think so. There he is. Dialogue – Hello, Judy! You’ve been sitting here for an hour. – I’m looking at that wonderful man. – What man? – The one, who’s dancing with Miss Winston. – Oh, I noticed him, too. He’s big, strong and handsome. – Yes, he goes in for sports and looks very athletic. – I can imagine how he plays tennis, or rugby, or cricket, and I think he’s also intelligent. – Yes, he’s also very smart and is always the life and soul of every party. But he never cooks, sews, irons, cleans, washes up and so on. – Has he been dancing all evening? – Yes, and never with the same girl. He can dance all day long without interruptions. – Why do you know so much about him? Have you danced with him today? – Today? No. He’s my husband. Angel 1: Oh! Why are you crying? Everything is not so bad. Angel 2: I know, I’ve just remembered the sad legend, told by our father, about a Queen and a jester. Angel 1: I don’t know it. Tell me. Poem: “The Cap and Bells” A Queen was beloved by a jester, And once when the owls grew still, He made his soul go upward And stand on her window sill. In a long and straight blue garment, It talked before morn was white, And it had grown wise by thinking Of a footfall hushed and light. But the young Queen would not listen; She rose in her pale nightgown, She drew in the brightening casement And pushed the brass bolt down. He bade his heart go to her, When the bats cried out no more, In a red and quivering garment It sang to her through the door. The tongue of it sweet with dreaming Of a flutter of flower-like hair, But she took up her fan from the table And waved it off on the air. “I’ve cap and bells,” he pondered, “I will send them to her and die.” And as soon as the morn had whitened He left them where she went by. She laid it upon her bosom, Under a cloud of her hair, And her red lips sang them a love song. The stars grew out of the air. She opened her door and her window, And the heart and the soul came through, To her right hand came the red one, To her left hand came the blue. Angel 2: It’s a very unhappy story, isn’t it? Angel 1: Don’t worry. This is just a legend. May be it has never taken place anywhere. Angel 2: Yes, we’d better we turn to our pleasant job. What do you want? Angel 1: I want those two people to make a date. Angel 2: Oh! A first meeting is always so exciting! Dialogue – Let’s make a date. – OK! Are you busy tomorrow? – Certainly not. – How about three? – That’s fine with me. – What about two? – That’s up to you. – How about eight? – Won’t it be late? – Not at all. The later the better. – So. What about nine? – Nine is fine. – What ever you say, will be OK. – Let’s meet at nine. – Settled! Where? – At the metro station. – You’ll really come? – Oh, I’m so happy! – See you at nine. – Oh! My God! – Oh, be careful! – That isn’t a door! – It’s a window! – Oh, yes… So-o-ory! – I was too late! – We’ll meet at the hospital, then I guess… Angel 1: Ha-ha-ha. He is so clumsy! Angel 2: It happened because he idolized her and we haven’t made them happy. Angel 1: Look! That couple doesn’t need our help at all. They already adore each other. Dialogue – Eve, I love you so much! – I can’t live without you. – I want to see you every minute, I can’t even breathe if you are not at my side. I... I... I can’t describe my feelings… – Neither can I. (Enter aunt Frieda) Hm… Can you read tea-leaves, Peter? – Do they make any sense to you? – Certainly yes! I want to know our future... – I can read yours, Eve. – What can you see? – I can see the beach and the sea, and two people – Eve and Peter… – Can’t you see three? – No, Eve, just you and me. I can’t see aunt Frieda at all. Angel 2: My God, give him patience! Angel 1: I’ve got a feeling Aunt Frieda will divide them. She’s like a pain in the neck. Angel 2: But they seem to be on Cloud No. 9. Angel 1: Yes, they are keeping their chins up. But leave them. Let’s have a rest. Those people seem to be despondant. Angel 2: Oh! They are so merry! Song “Loaded” Ricky Martin Angel 2: Cupe, What does it mean “gazombadam”? Angel 1: I don’t know… But this “jiggy mama”! How did they do it? Cupy, let’s do a trick. Angel 2: It’s not a good idea… Angel 1: I know, father will be angry with us, but he won’t know about it. Please! Angel 2: OK! Sink or swim. Who’ll be the subject of our trick? Angel 1: It doesn’t matter. That boy, for example. Dialogue He blinfolds her eyes – Who is it? – It’s Mike. – Mike. Mike who? – What do you mean “Mike who?” Mike Conners, of course. – Oh, Mike. I’m sorry. – Yes. We were to have a date last night. Where were you? I’d been waiting for you for two hours in the rain, let alone the biting winds. – I’m sorry, Mike. I couldn’t come. – Couldn’t come! Why couldn’t you come? – Well, I had to wash my hair. – Wash your hair! I’ve got the flu! Wash your hair! Why didn’t you phone me? – I wanted to phone you, but I couldn’t remember your number. – But it’s in the telephone directory. – Yes, I know, but I couldn’t remember your surname. – Oh! But why did you have to wash your hair last night? – Well, I had to do it last night because I was going to the opera last night. – The opera? Who with? – G-George. George Johnson. My old friend. – I see. How did you like the opera? – I didn’t go. – Oh! Where were you then? – At the restaurant. – What? – At the restaurant… with Ted Worth, my boss’s son. He asked me yesterday. I didn’t really want to go, but I couldn’t say no… Angel 1: Our plan works like a dream. Angel 2: What do you mean “works”? You had to say “worked”. We won’t play tricks any more today. Angel 1: Yea! You’ve caught my idea. Angel 2: No, Cupe! Father will punish us! Angel 1: Stop boasting! Now we’ll poke our noses into the life of that married couple Dialogue – Ben… – What’s the matter? – I’m so tired! I’m always alone. You leave home early morning and don’t come back till seven. – One of us must go to work, dear. – Yes, but your day is interesting and mine is so boring! – My work isn’t always interesting. – Ben… – Yes, Betty. – Did you empty the bin? – Yes, I did empty the bin. – Did you send the letters? – Yes, I sent the letters. – Did you go to the supermarket? – M-m-m… – Did you feed the baby? – I did. – Did you take the dog out for a walk? – Yes, I did it, too. – Did you close the door? – I locked it. – And did you … finish the fence? – I did everything, Betty, everything. – But did you remember to… – Good night, Betty. – He doesn’t love me! He couldn’t even talk to me! Angel 1: Who’ll be the next? Angel 2: You are a dab hand at breaking hearts. We play with fire. Angel 1: I don’t see why you always make a meal out of everything. Angel 2: Oh! What wonderful victims! Song “Are You In It For Love?” Ricky Martin Angel 1: And now we’ll… God: Kh-kh… Angel 1 and Angel 2: Father! Angel 2: We are down and out. God: Shame on you! You have failed your mission. Angel 1: But, Father, it’s not kid’s stuff to make people happy. God: I know, but you’ve broken so many hearts today. I can’t let things go this way. We have to correct your mistakes. I hope it serves you right. Help me. Let’s improve your work. Music. All couples come onto the stage. All of them are very happy. God: Now, when everybody is happy, we congratulate you on St. Valentine’s Day and wish you true and faithful love. |
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